To prevent preg nan cy naturally without a co ndom, one thing you can do is to get a copper T.
Women who want to prolong motherhood and enjoy their s ex lives can turn to this method. However, there are possible chances that you will not be able to conceive. The other possible way to prevent preg nan cy without a co ndom is to for the woman to consume the pill. Here again, the side effects are in number and one should consume the pill often.
More than this, there are other possible ways to prevent preg nan cy naturally without a co ndom.
Take a look at these simple tips to avoid preg nan cy:
The Safe Week
The safe period is the best way to prevent preg nan cy without a co ndom. This means you can make love between the 8th day to the 20th day of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Here the first day of the period signifies day one of the menstrual cycles.
Pull & Pray Method
The pull and pray method or withdrawal method is also followed by a lot of couples. However, it is not completely safe. But, according to experts, this pull and pray method is about 83 percent effective, just equivalent to a co ndom which is said to be 84 percent safe to prevent preg nan cy.
The Effective Copper T
The device is implanted by a trained doctor and can be removed when the couple is ready for conception. There are a lot of women who opt for this method to delay the chances of getting preg nan t.
Always Stay On The Pill
No matter what, stick to the everyday pill. If you are not on the pill, visit a gynecologist and he/she would suggest what you should do. This is one of the best ways to prevent a preg nan cy without a co ndom. The pill is your answer.
Na ked Pics of UNILAG Bbae Sent Out By Ex-Lover After She Dumped Him
Love The pre-inti macy
pre-inti macy helps to increase the inti macy without making love and the fear of an imminent preg nan cy too. So, if you and your partner are not ready to be parents just yet, opt for this beautiful act of showing love.
5 Ways To Prevent Pregn@ncy With0ut Using C0ndom (SEE HERE)
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